Online Directory

Online Directory

After many years, Telluride Association is pleased to announce that we once again have a searchable directory of alumnx (“associates”) of our programs!  We invite you to register for your account, update your profile, and choose what information you want to display to other associates.

Once you’ve logged in, you can update the information in your profile and set your privacy preferences for what information will be visible when another associate looks you up.  By default, only your name, TA affiliations, and approximate geographic region are visible.  (All information you enter will be on file with Telluride Association, but no information is ever displayed or shared publicly.)

Registering for the TA Associates Directory

Further instructions are available once you’ve registered and logged in. 

  1. Go to and click on the Not yet registered? link.

2. Enter your email address and choose a password.  Your password must have at least 8 characters and include at least one letter and one number.  If your current email address isn’t already on file with us, the system will let you know, and you’ll need to write to Cindy Estes-Smith.